Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access
Gone with the Wind Back How Rourke !Coach), Fau~. Ca mpbell, 1Iazard, Zimmerman, Jaeger, Mason ( tanager). Front Row Frank, Hancock, Valentine, Kuhn, Becker, Cooke, Laurence. The line of sprinters trembled and broke. Out of the maze of churning legs appeared Bill Cook, runnning well out in the lead. But again the hurtling youngsters were called back another false start. Again the starter raised his gun. " t" the line stiffened. "Go" barked the gun and with the retort Cook jumped ahead of the favorite, 1arty Glick– man, Olympic sprinter. Down the straightaway of cinders raced the field and the slight Colgate sp ed ter till held the lead, though Lawrence began to move up to thit·d place. At the halfway mark Glickman began to creep up until the cheers of the Maroon rooter died in their throats. tr·ide for stride the two raced on and finally leaped frantically for the tape. Everyone had expected the Orange runner to take the blue ribbon but it. was Cook who broke the t.ape and nos d out the famous Syracuse star. In third place, another Colgate sprinter, Ed. Van Orden managed to cross the line a step behind. The following week Cook sped the same hundred yards to break one of the numerous records for 1938. Another record masher was Dick Hancock, who realized his ambition by breaking the two mile record and by cutting some 2-! seconds ofT the old time. ot to be outdone, Drew Valentine continued the as ault upon the records in the quarter mile. He smashed the old mark twice in two weeks to top ofl' his college running career. This was Jack Rourke's 26th season as coach of the varsity track team. Under his leadership and patient coaching, a regular squad was transformed into one of the greatest running teams in Colgate history. This feat was remarkable, considering that only 25 candidates reported in the early spring. Looking at the records, the team won two meets and dropped an equal number. Looking again, this is deceptive for 193 has certainly gone down as a record breaking year. lL was only a weakness in the field events that kept the team from remaining undefeated. Coach Rourke got in s arcely t\ o weeks of outdoor practice before the team journeyed down to West Point for the opening meet of Jon F. RouRKE Coaeft 202
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