Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access
Indoor Track Brigg!< (Manager\, l\.!cCoy, Cook, Fau~. Campbell Captain), Krug, Thurber, Lawr nee, Hourkc (Coach). the year. Army took the point score 81-45, but this indicated liHle of the Gne showing the Raiders made again ( one of the outstanding (earns in the entire East. In the second meet of the year, the cinder athletes trounced a weak Union team 85-41. Cook was again outstanding as he repeated with a double win in his specialties. Co-Captain Valentine broke the tape in the 4-!0, and Gu Frank returned to form in winning the low hurdles . Although the !'1aroon forces fell before yracu e, 75-60 the Rourkemen proved that they were the best running team in cars by taking first in every running event except the high hurdles. Two records were set in running events but again it was a decided weakness in the field events that made the differenc b tween victory and defeat. From a slow tart, Dick Hancock broke away from the field and oon lapped all hi competitors. on(inuing his fine pace the choppy-strided runner steamed over the cours in the sens.:'ltional time of9:28:2. This was 22.8 seconds off the old record that had stood for mne years. All the horter races were do e and decided b hort distances. Drew Valentine led the field all the way and sprinted to a -!9.2 record in the quarter mile. After evcral fal e starts, ook jumped Marty Glickman in the hundred and won by a step. The 220 wa even more exciting. \ alentine t k the lead for the fir t 50 yards and then pulled up with a charley– horse. Cook took first place and held the lead up to the Ia t 35 yards. At this point Glick– man collared him and the two ran shoulder to shoulder in a terrific print down the tretch. oak broke the tape to take first by a matter of inches and so continued his fin undefeated string of victories. Lehigh proved a po r match for the Maroon athletes as they bounced back and won every first place except the javelin in their best exhibition of the year. 203
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