Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access
Hancock again won ea ily but he failed in hi attempt to break hi record, while Valentine climaxed his college career by cutting hi record to 49 .1. Cook, who remaine I undefeated in his two specialties, reached hi peak by setting a new r cord for the century. The time was 9:7 . everal athlete stayed in training and entered the I. . 4A outdoor meet at Randall's Island lc oy, Thurber, Faus, Krul(, Lawrence Dick Hancock led the fteld a good pari of the two mile •·ace and placed fourth. The official time for the event was 9:42:2 and Dick was clo e enough to the leadet· to cui 4 econd ofT hi best time in this race . In the ame meet Bill o k qualified, but he fail d to reach the finals. After Thank giving vacation the board track boys came out to get ready for a busy r lay schedule while ,·eral other got ready to attack individual honors. ook and Captain ampbell proved to be the two olgate hop s in individual events but they both ran into orne of the toughe t competition in year . The lo of Valentine and Gus Frank plu Joe Kuhn wa a v re blow to the relay team . Coach Rourke tarted out from cratch, and experimented with ewman, Faus, Lawrence, Thurber, "'lcCoy and Krug. Lawrence wa the only veteran to return while Krug proved to be a find, although he had n ver run on a r lay team. Bill Cook continued from ''here he left ofT last spring and proved that he was ready for stiffer competition . ampbell and Ackerman lo sened up on the new practice high hurdles for the -!5-yard event, and they ran so do e togethet· that both qualified to go to the fir t meet at Bo ton . The ea on opened before the crowded Bo ton Garden at the Prout Games. Both aptain ampbell and Ackerman lost out in initial heats by getting third place . In the -0-yard da h ook fought hi way up to the final , but he eli appointed his followe•· by placing fourth in the finish. lapp, Brown printer, wa the surpt·i e winner of the event, and he tied the meet record in doing it. The relay team of Lawrence, Thurber, Krug, and i\lc oy ran second to Rhode I land tate, even though McCoy ran a fin anchor leg in clo e to record time. The following week the relay team went to Madison quare Garden in New York to participate in the color– ful tillrose Games. ook wa eliminated in the 60-yard da h but the rela, team pulled a surpri e by taking first place against tough comp tit ion . l\1 . I. T ., yracuse, and olumbia (railed the ti\1aroon team to the tap . The outlook for track thi pring i not too bright con idering the lo of many talented performers in last vear' senior cia s. ' Ther is some ncouragement in the fine work of the relay team, which means that all the running event up (o the quarter mile ' ill be strong . kip Wright will hav a hard time coming clo e to the record left by Thomas in the pole vault but he may be able to add some valuable points . John Young ha been working hard in the two mile grind and Bill Bartlett may prove a surprise in the mile . \' hatever the outcome of the forthcoming ea on may be, the olgate track team, under th able tutelage of oa h Jack Rourke, "ill give a creditable account of it elf and provide man an enthusia tic fan with some genuine thrill . DAVID c. CA;\\PBELL 19>9 Captain 204
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