Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access
Tearn of the Year Back Row : Light (Manager), Coley, LeFevre, Farmer, Wright, Slarr (Coach). Front Row: Rose, Wells, Wheeler, Dewey, Johnson, Lister. "Colgate, previou ly unheard of in hockey, springs major up et." The appearance of this headline in several papers directly following the game with Clarl(son Tech, ignified that Colgate had finally turned out a winning team, a team which had come fmm nowhere to defeat one of the leading college sextets of the country. The narrow -!-3 victory wfllch the Maroon gained over Clark on marked the fir t defeat for that aggregation by an American college in three years. H may be safely said that Coach Howie Starr turned out the finest outfit this year that. has ever represented Colgate on the ice. The impressive record of eight victories as again t. one early season loss speaks for itself. As usual the team was hampered by poor ice condi– tions which nece itat.ed cancelling of several games as well as many practice periO<.Is. H any one man could b given cr dit for the unusually succe ful season, that. man is Captain Howie Jones whose sterling work in the net gained him consideration for the goalie po ition on the All-America team and has caused him to be select d fort he lympic squad. Brown was the first team to fall before the J'\taroon in a close game which was played at Rye, N.Y., during the Christmas holidays, the final score being 2-l. The following day the team was downed by a more aggressive Boston College sextet, litHe dreaming that this ,)-I defeat \\Ould be the only blot on an otherwise perfect season. Returning to Hamilton aft.e•· vacation, the pucksters showed their superiority over St. Lawrence in every department as they tallied four times while Howie Jones gained his first shutout of the sea on. The 3- L victory over Cornell was a very fast game in which Colgate showed a well organized passing attack. Jack \Vells \vas outstanding with two goals and one assist, and Jones continued to guard his citadel with champion hip poi e. It was at this point in the s ason that the team lo t the valuable services of Bob Ro e, the first-line center, through ineligibility. How– ever, by the same token it. obtained Bunny Riley. The Starrmen J. HOWARD STAI!R Coach 205
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