Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access

They Had_ Their Ups and Downs Werntz (Coach), Young, Buckwalter, Dubois, Brown: Sanders. Koehler ( 1anager). P•·obabl.v the only thing Colgate's 1938Cross-Coun(ry {earn can find consola(ion in is (hat it lost to the best hill and dale aggregations in the EasL Facing a big time schedule (hat even outdid the Red Raiders of the gridiron the Maroon harriers dropped five meets to crack squads from nion, Alfred, S racuse, Williams and N . Y. U. The e team dominated the national 4-A cross meet. The loss of last year's captain and ace, Dick Hancock, wa keenly felt. a it left the team " ithout an experienced .-unner. All runners" ere juniors or sophomores with the exception of two third year men Clyde Mulhern and Don DuBois the Co-Captains. The runners scored only three places all season two of the e in the Williams meet but they gave the opposition more competition than the scores would indi– cate. Jim ande•·s and Johnny Young, two sophomores, were up among the leaders in all the meadow runs . The two Co-Captains, Doug Brown and Manager l{oehler showed flashes of form. George \Verntz assumed the role of Cross- ountry coach for the first time and with his able assistance the squad was improving rapidly at the end of the season. With no losses from graduation, next year is looked to as a vindicative sea on. RO -CO NTRY SUl\lMARY olgate 15 Union 40 Colgate 15 Alfred 40 Colgate 15 Syracuse 40 olgate 21 Williams 3-J. Colgate 16 N.Y. U. 39 CLYDE H. M ULIIER C'o-[aplain 210