Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access

Tempest in the Tank Back Row Ingram ( oach). Dukt', Lovell, 1cDowell, lason t fanag ·r). Front How. Kaye, Low, Ferguson, ldridg Co Captain ): nee, Leverich < tarting th ason with thrilling 1 es to trong Harvard, Roch t r and olumhia team , the 1\'laroon tankmen finally era h d the blue ribb n cla with a do ely conte ted victory over (Yracu e. ln the initial m et at ambridge, - aptain F rgu n took th only laroon first by winning the brea t troke. "-l eting next the Union team in the local pool, th 1\\aroon wim– m rs won ix of th nin vent " ith orge Uric placing fir t in both the two-twent and the four-forty. Jou.-neying to Rochester and New York ity the Ingram men dropp d meets to the Univer ity of Roch ter and olumhia Univer ity. The highl r tout •d (Yracu e aggregation invaded the olgatc pool expecting a great victory, but were adly disappointed with the final score. The point tallied by both team were clo e, th winn r being decided by the outcome of the n xt to the last race the four– {< rty fr e-styl . Led all the way b a racu e opponent, with the fini h line but a few feet ahead Tom Leverich hurled him If through th water for another blue ribbon and victory. Th Ia t event wa the four-fortv r lav and the \\ar()(m men in– crea ed their lead b taking thi ~I o. The olgate t am ha won even out of th Ia t eight meet with yracu . Coach Co- aplain.r .Jlanager olgate olgate olgate lgate olgate olgate Igat ' !gate WI \\11 G 11 -!7 27 13 45 -t6 17 34 . , . W. Ingram Fred . Aldridge, Franklin Ferguson '\ax :\'\a on UMMARY Harvard Union Roch ter olumbia yracu Trinity pringfi ld R.P.I. 65 27 47 2 30 29 41 A 'I U ~-I \\'. I. 'GilA\\ Loach 212