Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access
_Snow, Skiing, Success Dr. 1undt (Conch), Young, Williamq, DuBois (Captaan), 1acomhcr, Ferree. " olgate defeats Dartmouth ki team'' this was the startling news that greeted the l'cader of undcy papers one da Ia t' inte1·. In a dual meet held a( Hamilton, the Red Raiders led by aptain Don DuBoi defeated the Dartmouth team by a clo e margin. Thi m et wa one of a ea on which found the ki team completing a mo t ucce ful campaign. nder the expert coaching of Dr. George i\lundt and Dr. David Trainer, two former Dartmouth champions, the team this year was composed mo tly of fre hmen and sophom– mores. Outstanding on the squad were Bill Burto, downhill and slalom champion of odh Creek, New York, who wa very consistent in turning in good time in both events; Bill Isham, anoth r freshman, who al o proved to be an excellent dm.\'nhill and slalom man; Bill Haigh who proved him elf to be one of the best downhill men and a very good cro -country runner; and Roger \Villiam , the only enior on the quad, who showed hi wa1·e in downhill running. [n the fir t meet of the year at the annual no-Birds Inter ollegiate , the team pl~ced fifth, handicapped b.v the fad that it had no jump rs . At this meet Captain DuBois prm·ed thath wa one of the best placing in three events. Following Lake Placid came a number of meets \\ hich saw such team a Cornell, yracuse, Penn tate, Hamilton, Hol art, and l;nion bow to the Raiders. l11 the N . Y. . 1. . A. meet held at Hhaca for the state champion hip, Colgate didn't fare so well, mainly because the fre hmen had been ent to Northfield, Ver– mont to compete in the [ntercollegiates Union ki Meet, and a number of var ity memb rs due to injurie received during the cason were unable to race. oach lundt sent a team of six men who, though they didn't win, made a 1·ecord for themselves and upheld the fact that Colgate Do. ALD B. DuBois is becoming known for its winter sports. Laplai11 213
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