Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access
Freshman Track Back Row: Hartman !Manager), Elson, Young, R johnson, McCoy, Eaton, Rourke (Coach). Front Row . ]. Carvey, Fitch, Ackerman, Waeger, ]. Donahue, Crossman. One victory out of three meets sounds far from impressive but when one considers the po r weather conditions under which the frosh trackmen were forced to compete, the lack of outstanding performances becomes understandable. Every day on which a freshman meet was scheduled proved to be footba1l weather instead of the\ a1·m spring days so neces– sary for good performances in a track meet. 1 n the first meet. of the season the Maroon frosh encountered the trackmen from Cook Academy on the local track . Scoring easily in both track and field events, the Colgate frosh won 65-46 . The following week the freshmen came up against a strong racuse frosh aggregation. The Orange runners piled up a total of 71 points, the Maroon yearlings -16. The fro ·h track s ason was climaxed b.v a triangular meet against the Cornell and Syracuse frosh at hoell– kopf field in Hhaca . Two men were responsible for 15 of Colgate's 17 points; Jerry Ackerman won both the high and low hurdle events while Bob 1c ov lead the field in the quarter-mile. A powerful Cornell.frosh team won the three team meet with a total of 83 point . ~racuse trailed far behind the Cornell score with 26 point . A freshman mile relay team travelled to Ithaca with the Yarsity on larch 18 to compete in a special added event on the program of the annual indoor triangular meet bringing together the teams of Colgate, Cornell and yracuse in the huge Cornell Drill Hall. This frosh relay team was campo cd of McCoy, Krug, Liversidge and Donahue. 1cCoy turned in the fastest. quarter– mile time of the meet on the anchor leg of the relay when he brought. the team from third place to a good second RoBERT L. HARTl'IA behind a fast. Cornell quartet. .1/anager 218
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