Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access
Freshman Soccer After dwpping the first. game to the Syracu e yearlings, 3-0, t.he frosh soccer t. am came back t.o defeat Cornell, l-0, and Cortland Normal, 4-l. Sherman, Greene, oLt. and Miller stood out during the season and Coach James Dalget.y expects they will all be contenders for varsity berths. Hack l~ow · R Andrews (Scrub), K Mayl'rs (Scrub), P Zacharopoulos, Thaw, Bland, Dix, Adam~. Sherman Krcillt•r, P. Kraemer Front Ro" . Mawhinney, P Miller ( [anager), A. Scott, Rydholm (Scrub\, Mar thews, ll. Andrew~. Hismg Freshman Swimming After a crushing defeat. by :,yracuse, the following meet with the Roche ter Y. }\'\.C. A. resulted in an identical score, 22 to 39. The following week a t.rong omell Frosh team met unexpected opposition before they emerged victors. Back Row : Ingram (Coach). Front Row : Mawhinney, Rising, Wells, Fischl, Ruthman, Rauser. 221
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