Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access

Freshman Hockey The Frosh opened their season with•a 6--! victory over Onondaga Valle High hool, and then smothered the Northwood hool at Lake Placid by the score of 8-l. Then fol– lowed a 4-0 shutout ove1· Hamilton Freshmen. The on] ' loss was administered bv one of the fmest Prep School teams in the country, ichols School of Buffalo, after a nightmare finish in which the Gr en-lidders were no ed out 7-6 after holding a two goal lead with minute remaining. Back Row Gates (Managerl, Bauer, Crocker, Ford. VanBusk1rk, laggett, Wheeler, Tracy, Starr (Coach). Front Row· Evans, Brown, Lister, Twitchell Freshman Skiing The freshman skiers join d the celebration of Colgate's advent into the charmed circle of great ski chools b surviving a hard season with an undefeated •·ecord . The ace quad of Haigh, Volin, Isham, Burto and mith twice squelched Manlius and piled up an im– posing margin over the highly rated ornell Freshman team. They al o represented ol– gate in the Intercollegiate Ski Union meet at Lake Placid in commendable fa hion . urtis (fl.lanager), Isham, mith, Volin, Burto. Haigh. ::2::2::2