Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access

The fall tennis tourney came in for its share of prominence with perhaps some of the clos t rivalry in recent years. The brilliant plav of Don Collins, Gene Bowler, Jack Kenny and Dick Reid is quite worthy of mention . Finally, Collins and Bowler met in the finals and the lalte•· emerged the victor in two hard C ught sets, 6-2, 6-4. The Golf tournament rounded out the fall sea on with more outstanding performance . Harbison, Kreiner and Howard swept through all opposition to dominate the play. The new champion was Howard who out-steadied Bill Kreiner in a bang-up match. The outstanding feature of the winter season were the Basketball, Boxing and \Vrest– ling contests. In Basketball, three teams stood out above the others. They we•·e the Phi Psis, Phi Gams and igma Chis. Each came up to the end of the season in a deadlock . The Sigma Chi combination of Swan, Ferguson, Hueur, Warner and Van Loan finally pre– vailed in a •·ound robin ending the season just before spring recess with a thrilling win over the Phi Psis, 23-21. Ed Ferguson was the high scorer with 10 points. The finals of the boxing and wrestling tournaments took place on March 16 and in the opinion of J. Howard iarr, competent director of Intramurals, they were the best to be taged here in recent years . In boxing, the unforgettable events of the evening were the knockouts scored by Jimmie Wehrell and Armando Caseria at the expense of Roy Hunt and Larry Geibel respectively . However, the creditable jobs turned in by defending champion Jim Henry in the 145-lb. cla sand Fred Wright among the heavy weights, greatly pleased the noisy audience that filled Huntington Gymnasium. In wrestling, the outstanding bout ' ere the Quinn-D'Avignon and the Freestone-Albrecht matches in the 135 and 155-lb. cla ses respectively. The alp and Blade trophy for boxing, wrestling, and fencing was won by the Phi Psis. A word in passing should be given the champions of the spring of 1938. The Phi Delts captured the oftball championship despit the fact thai they were set down without a hit by Phi Gam pitchet· Chamberlain . n error and a sacrifice did the i•·ick for the Phi Delts and they eked out the triumph, l-0. The other three team titles were taken 'by the Phi Psis in Track and Field; the A. T. O.'s in Golf and the I . U.'s in tennis. As a result of the recapitulation of all year intramural perfo•·mance, the Beta 'ere award d the All-Year Trophy . 224