Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access
ScnuiT, ROBERT ARTIIUR Yonkers SHELLAND, ]At>1ES CLAYTON . Bellmore SHEPARD, ]EAN E., ]R. South \Vindso1·, Conn. SHIRLEY. ]OliN GoLD, JR North Adams, Mass. BREVE, JonN EDWARD Erie, Pa. SISSON, EDWARD ]OSEPII Gloversville SJt-1SO , WALTE:It ARTHUR, JR. Yonkers SISSON, THOMAS RANDOLPH CLJ TO New York SLADE, GERALD }ACK Utica SLEPPY, MoRGAN ALLEN Wilkes-Barre, Pa. S..-uTH, NoRMAND FEDOR Hudson Sr-nn-1, RoBERT DELAP John town S \ITH, STEPHEN ALLE: White l..ake STEVENSON HuBERT DANIEL Lynbrook STEWART, ROBERT ]MIE:S Barre, Vt. STONE, FRANK GEORGE Richmond Hill STOWE, CLARK BLAKE:t-IAN, Jn. Stratford, Conn. TRADER, RoD,'IAN WtLLJM1 Jersey City, N. J. SwARTZ, PAUL ]Al'!E:S Buffalo SwiNNEY, HoL~>1A New York TAt.BOT, RusSELL DAviD Burlington Flats TEt-IPLE, DoNALD E., JR. Longmeadow, Ma s. Ttt0•'1PSO , DoNALD \VARREN Nyack TH0,'1PSON, H. A., Jn. West Brookfield, tass. THO.t\IPSON, RALPH \VJLLIAr>l, )R. \Varrcn, 0. THURBER, STEPHEN HowE herrill Tir>IPSON, RoBERT BE EDICT Hackensack, N. J. TOOMEY, OLIVER RALPH Dover, 0. TuntNO, JosEPH MICHAEL Brooklyn TuRNER, FREDERICK GEORGE Malone Compliments of Batchelder & · Snyder Co.., Inc. Boston, Massachusetts Producers and Distributors of FINE FOODS Knodel & Schwarzer MEATS JP' bolesale PHONE 2-5138 Retail 24 N. State St. yracuse, N. Y. All FRE H FRUITS and VEGETABLE Used at Colgate University - S11pplied by - J. J. Weinreb NEW REGIONAL MARKET 2-5181 Phones 2-5182 yracu e, N. Y. 233
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