Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access
CLEMENCE, RoBERT JoHN Milford, Conn. CoFFIN, ARTHUR ALFRED, ]R. East Orange, N.J. CoLBURN, DoNALD El'tERSON Rochester CoLEl'IAN, KE YON WEEKS Chevy Chase, Md. CoLLEA, ]Al'tES Utica CoNN, CHARLES FosTER, JR. KENt>tORE CoNSOLI, NICHOLAS RICHARD Clairton, Pa. Cox, RALPH WILLIAM Buffalo CRAIG, JoH CRAIG Springfield, J\'l.ass. CROCKER, JoHN WRIGHT Brooklyn CuRTIS, HENRY AVERY Hicksville CuTLER, HENRY OTis Suffern DAHLBERG, DALE ARTHUR Geneva DANIELS, ALFRED LoRD Marblehead, Mass. DAVIS, HA~ULTON SEntOUR Shaker Heights, 0. DAwSON, RAYl'IOND IRVINE, JR. Queens Village DAY, ]Al>tES FREDERICK Coble kill de WATERS, FRANK GERARD, ]R. Norwalk, Conn. DICKINSO , LEl'IUEL A. Northampton, Mass. DIEBOLT, ALFRED LEO, ]R. Plattsburgh DITZLER, JA.'IES STORMS Jamestown D1x, ]OHN THOMAS, ]R. Kenilworth, Ill. DOER! G, LAWRENCE FREDERICK New York DoRAN, JoHN RuTLEDGE Maplewood, N. J. DRU.I>IHELLER, OscAR, II Walla Walla, Wash. Dul'tARY, JA~>IES HENRY, Ja. Weedsport Du , EDWARD THOl'1AS Hamilton DuNNE, GEoRGE JACOBS Sidney DuRYEA, PERRY BELI'tONT, Ja. Montauk DuxBURY, GEORGE ]OliN Glen Rock, N. J. Griffin & Hoxie Established 1844 WHOLESALE GROCERS Utica, N. Y. Compliments of lri h Con truction Co., Inc. GE ERAL CO TRACTORS 100 E. Colvin t. yracuse, . Y. BUILDI G ERECTED IN THIS VICINITY: Colgate Union Bldg., Colgate University, Hamilton, N. Y. Power Plant, Colgate University, Hamilton, N. Y. Compliments of Fawn Brand , Ltd. Distributors of Stencils of Character and Other Duplicating Supplies. 120 GREENWICH ST. New York, New York. Burn Bro. Syracuse, New York PLUMBING and HEATING SUPPLIES E. S. Dam ky lV holesale Grocers Distributors of Werthmore Peas, Whitehouse Fancy Pickles, Mozart Corn, Sweet Violet Canned Goods. UTICA, N.Y. A Guarantee of This Ice Cream is Prod11ced Under the Seal-test S)'Stem of lAboratory Protection. 239
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