Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access

CLARENCE JOHN HYLA DER ,}.r,ri.rlnnl Proft>.r.rOt' of Biolo.'l.ll· A.B.. Yale, 1920; ·•'1., 1922; Ph.D .. 1925. Facultv member sin e 1935. • S.\,\\UEL \\'ILLIA1\l I~GR.\ ,\1 ln.rlruclor in Ph.ll.rica/ h'ducnlion, Conch of Swimmill!l and [,acro,r,rl!. A .B., Colgate. 1931. Fac– ully member since 1931. PAUL ' \liTH JACOBSE • .l.r.ri.rlanl Profu,ror of Polilic.o·. A . \1 ., Colgate, 1927; Ph.D.. Iowa, 1935. Facultv member since 1927.. HOWARD BO,.AR JEFFERSO • Profu.ror of Phi/o,roph,11. A.B., Denison, 1923; Ph. D., Yale, 1929. Faculty member since 1929. FREDERICK ,\lASO. )ONE Ri!,qi.rlrnr, Proje.r.ror of Romanic Lan/lua,qe.r. B. .. Colgate, 1909; A. .'l\., 192.1; Doctor d ' Univer– silc, 1931. Faculty mem– ber ince 1910. Admin– islra lion inee 1921 . CARL ALFRED KALL RE. DMn of Studml.r. A.B.. Colgate, 1917; A.,\\., 1925; B.D., Rochester, 1920. dministration ince 1933. J illES CAL\1!1 KEENE ln.rlruclor in Ri!ll:lfion. .B., Lebanon \'alley, 1930; Ph.D.. Yale, 1937. Faculh· m mber ince 1937. . A, ORE\\' KERR ,-J,r.ri.rlnnl Pmfu.ror of Ph.v.ricnl Rducnlion,llend (oach of Football. Ph.B., Dickinson. Facultv member since 1929. - 23