Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access
ELIJAH WILSO LYO. Pro}u.ror oj 1/i.rlor.v. A.1l, .'\l issis ippi, 1925; A.B., Oxford, 1927, B. Litt., 192 ; Ph.D.. Chi– cago, 1932. Facult.Y member since 1929. HER CHEL LEI H,\lAN ,\\0 IER H.,·uuli"~ s~cretar:.v oj th~ dlumni Corpomlion.A.B. Colgate, 1922;A. ,\l.,Co– lumbi,,, 1932. Proje.r,ror oj Politic.r, Di– a:clor oj School oj Social ciena,r. A.B.. tanford, }QJ7; A . ~l., Wisconsin, l91R; Ph.D., 1928. Fac– ult,y member since 1934. GEORGE JOAClll :1.1 \\ DT ln.rlruclor in German. A.B., Dartmouth, )1)33; A.l\1., Cornell, 1934; Ph.D., 1936. Facultv member since 1936. • CARL WALLACE ~lUN HOWER ,J,r.ri,rlanl Pro/u.ror of .llalhemalic,r. B. ., Get– tysburg, 1924; M.S.. 1926; Ph.D., New York Universitv, 193 . Fac– ulty me~ber since 192 RAY~lO 'D J. .'\lYER 1n.r/ruc!or in Zoolo.lJ.II· . B., Heidelberg, 1927; Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 1933. Faculty member since 1934. In.rlruclor in Rducalion. A.B., Pacific, 1930; A. 1. Columbia. 1932; B.D., _ni~n T~e~l~gical Semi– n.~ry, 19.:>3, Ed.D., Co– lumbia, 1937. Facultv member since 1935. JOHN FRA CI ORSI In.rlruclor tn Phy.• ·ical Educalion, .dJ'J'i.rlanl Coach of Foolba/l. A.B., Colgate, 1932. Faculty member since 1932. 25
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