Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access

gO\\'ARD CARYL TARR Curator, The Samuel Co(qa/e l~apli.rt l/i.rlorical Coiledion. A. B., Colgate, 1933. Administration since 1935. )011~ HO\\'ARD T.\RR ,l.r.ri,rlanl Profe.r,o·or of Ph,~~.rical Rducalion, Sup– ervi,ror of Phy.rical Rdura– lion and Intramural .dlh– lelic.r, Coach of llocl.:t.l/· B.P.R., Springfield, 1922. Faculty member since 1926. JA~lE STA FFER ln.r/ruclor in· A.B., \\ichigan. 1926; 1\l. .• 1930; Ph.D., Cor– nell, 1936. Faculty member ince 1931. JAME ALVL TOR INC ln,rlruclor in Politic.r. A. B., lowa State Teach– er College, 1927; o\l.A.. tate ni,·ersity of Iowa, 1931; Ph.D., 193 . Facultv member since 193 . • JOH. \\E.. T\\'ORTH ULLlVA T ln.rlruclor in Geolo.q,v. A.B., Colgate, 1933; .M., 1935. F11culty member since 1937. DEXTER HOYT TEED Director of .loumali.rlic ,Jclio•iliu. B.S., Colgate, 1924. Admini tration :md Faculty member sine 1932. • DAVID WOOL EY TRAJ, ER .d.r.ri,rlanl Pro/u.ror of Geolo11.1/· B.S., Dart- mouth, 1921; M. ., 'orthwestcrn, 1923; Ph.D., Cornell, 1926. Faculty member since 1931. ROBERT E 1ERSO' T DD, JR. /n,rlruclor in Biolo,QJI· B. ., Bowdoin, 1929; 1\\.S., 1935; Ph.D.• Har– vard, 1938. Faculty member since 1938. 29