Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access

Pierce (Secretary), Lucy (President), Jones (Vice-President), Gilson (Treasurer). Senior Class History Wide eyed and humble, a sturdy band of now ophisticated enior de cended on Hamil– ton four years ago to inhale a college education and to investigate rumor. lany have di - covered that the rumor was tru a college education is equal to three hou e parties. Others learned from books . till others didn't stay around to find out. \Vhatever the means, they were four years of memories we will never forget-- - the best four year of our life - - --- That fir t week at Freshman camp we caught the famed Colgate spirit-- it's in our blood now --We're proud of it-- We played a big part in keeping it alive - - Only yesterday it seems we wer in the thick of all that was Colgate. Johnny Briggs and Berry Walker leading cheers and singing -- mediocre season in f. otball only made them increase their efforts-- Gordy Boyce, the voice of olgate, as editor of the Maroon --Gus Nasmith, managing editor ruling with an iron hand --Bud Arnsdorf, sports editor and Dex Teed's right arm at the Press Bureau- - Key-hol p eking ig tewart ---Ted Ferree and Pepper Martin putting out the Banter. Football, with Johnny Lucy and Don Wemple, Co-captain's --Eddie Burke, Johnny Long, Lloyd Scoville, "Moose" Zimmerman, kip Wright, all stars- - - --George isler, Jules Luchini, Captain Washburn - - enough to warm Bill Reid's heart in baseball - - - Captain CliJfy Clinton and Jim Gilson with the quintet- - Jack Faus and Dave Campbell winning at track--- Howie Jones, Lee Johnson, and Harry Farmer on the top hockey team of the east- Roger Williams on the best ski team Colgate has ever had- Hugh Irish, Wilder Clapp and our own Dave Remick chasing golf ball - Fred Aldridge, George Urice and Bud Ferguson swimming--- Bill Jaeger, tenor-wrestler-- Herb Schmidt and ecil emple swing– ing racquets--- Bud Ferguson and Ed Greenebaum at lacro se. Studies with Bill Kerr, Dud James and Dave Searle authoritie at exam time . - -- Jerry Pierce, Harry Schnabel and Connie Pear n, Phi Betes - -- Ken Baumbush keeping a watchful eye on J. C. Union activities-- El Cole, Ernie McKay and George Ayrault head– ing the politicians at Washington--- Lloyd Lawrence swinging the whip over the politicians at Colgate. A rejuvenated Konosioni and King Garvey terrorizing the fre hmen-- - lurking visions of retaliation on Moving-Up Day- -graduation yet to come- - and then the cold cruel world-- 35