Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access
IIE. ' RY ELLWOOD R. DORF 58 Rim /rut . llapl~uoood, .v~·•' .lu.r~y K ~ P; Concentrating in Economic and Politics; Prepared at '\illburn High hool; Maroon Board (I. 2, 3), port Edit r (4); Press Bureau (2, 3), Director (4); ociolog~· Club (3); phomorc Vigilance Committee (2); President's holarship (2); Fre hman Ba ketball. CH RLE WILLI ;\'\ A, Il Ill Bwndl , /,•uiU~ <II j <->; Con entrating in Geology; Prepared :1t .\lercersburg Academ.\·· JOH1 ' PI 'CK 'EY TKI!\ O. 52 lr'oodaul Boul~··ard j h. E; j ~ P; Concentrating in l<::Conomics and Politic ; Prep<ored at Kenmore High hool; calp and Blade (I. 2, 3, 4); Treasurer, Freshman Class; tudent nate (4); Varsity Debate (4); Dean's List (4); Pre ident's holarship (1, 2). EOR E YR LT. III 8 Clinton Strut Tona ..•anda, .V~u· YorA. j ~ P; Concentrating in Politics; Pr pared at Tonawanda High hool; ·alp and Blade; tudent nate (4); tudent nion Council (3, 4); Washington tudy Group (3); Bu iness ,\\anager alma!1Uildi (4); Freshman Debate; Varsity Debate (2, 3, 4); Band (1, 2, 4); N.. F.. Representative (3, 4); Dean's List (3); "\\'ho' Who mong tudents in American niver ·itie and Colleges"; Fre hman Lacro se. 37
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