Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access
HOWARD WILDER CLAPP 571 Park fir,etiLlt Roche.rler, i\ ew York ~ N; Concentrating in English Literature; Prepared at J\1\onroe High chool; President, Freshman "Y"; Freshman Glee Club; Pan-Hellenic Coun il (4); Saltna_qundi Editorial Board (2); Col– gale ki Club (2, 3), President (4);Varsity Wrestling (J);Fresh– man Golf; Varsity Golf (2), ."1anager (3). 27 .laNi.r Place CLIFFORD CIT RLE CLI. 'TO. 1-.vnhroo/.., .Vr:w Yor/..· ~ X; Concentrating in Ps,·chologv: Prepared at Lynbrook High hool; 1\\aroon Kev Club; l{onosioni; Freshman Debate; Pr sident's Scholarshi'p (I, 2); Fr·eshman Basketball; Freshman Baseball; Varsity Basketball (2, 3), Captain (4); ar ity Baseball (2, 3, 4); Team Intramural Foul 'hooting (I); Individual lnlm– mural Foul Shooting Champion (2). DARWIN ELDRED E COLE .Jiacedon Cenlu, ,Yr:w Yor/.: Commons Club; Concentrating in Politics and Economic ; Pre– par·ed at 1\lacedon High chool; i'l<\aroon Kev Club; Freeman H. Allen iety; cretary, Junior Class; Student nate (4); Freshman Debating; Varsity Debating (2, 3, 4); )'\anager, V:tr– sity Lacrosse (3); Freshman Week taff; Washington ludy Group (3); Band (1, 2, 4); ludent nion Council (3), President (4); "Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges"; Pre~ident's cholarship (I, 2); Dean' List (3). ANTHOr-\Y COLLEA 100-J oulh Strut l'tica, .Vr;,,• York Concentrating in English; Prepared at Utica Free Academy; Freshman Glee Club; arsity lee Club (2); President's cholar– hip (I. 2, 3, 4); Baptist holarship (I. 2, 3, 4). 46
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