Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access

129 l••vlwr,rl Road HUGH J CK ). ' IRI II 58 lf'ul Lour/ , /rul Cortland, x~"' York c)l K 1 1'; Con entrating in Economic ; Prepared at taunton \\ilitary Academy; Fre·hman Golf; Intramural .olf Champion– ship Team (I). \\'ILLJA,\\ RENWICK JAE ER••ill~ . • V~w Yor/..: ~1 IT .l; Concentrating in Psy hology; Prepared at Amherst Cen– tral High hool: tuclent nate {4); Freshman "Y" Club; Fre hman Glee Club; Varsity Glee Club {2, 3, 4); alp and Blade {1, 2, 3, 4); ,\'lasque and Tri.utgle {3, 4); Assistant ngleader (3); Tumbler {4); nrsit~· Wrestling {3), Captain {4). 117 /,ronia , /,•rnur \\'ILLIA,\\ DUDLEY JA,\\E /,ronia, .Yr..• .Trr.rry T U; cfl; Concentrating in Economic ; Prepared at Leonia High hool; Vice-President ,\\aroon Key Club {3), tudent nate {4); Varsity llo key, ,\\anager (3); Band {I, 2); German Club {4); ,\lasque and Triangle {3, 4); President's holuship(l. 2). LELA 'D \\'ARRF::-\ JOH•• ), ' 25 Ri..rrdalr Road lf'rllult!,ll Famu, .lla.r.raclw.rd/.r ~ ; ~ .l IJ'; Concentrating in E onomics; Prepared at \\'ellcs– le.' High hool; 1\\aroon Kev Club; Konosioni; Colgate ki Cluh (I, 2, 3, 4), Vice-Pre iclent (3); Freshm;m "\'" Club; Freshman Glee Club; President' holarship (1. 2); Fre. hman Hockey; Freshman kiing; Freshman Baseball; Varsity Soccer (2, 3, 4); Varsity Ho key (2, 3, 4); \'arsity Lacrosse (2. ,;, 4), Co-Capt.tin (4); Vnrsit,v. wimming {3). 60