Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access
5}0 f'afle.v Sirui HOWARD LA. G\\'ORTHY JONES . Jlaplewood, 1\'ew Jer.rt_v ((> I{ T; Concentrating in Social Studies; Prepared a( Columbia High cl10ol; ecrdary, J\\aroon Key Club; Konosioni; Freeman H. Allen ocietv; Pre ident. Junior Class; Vice-President, Senior Class; Colgate Educntor' Forum (2, 3), President (4); "Who's \\'ho Among tudents in American Uni,•ersities and Colleges;" Varsity Football (2, 3, 4); ar it.'· Hocke.'' (2, 3), Captain (4); nrsity Lacrosse (2, 3, 4). \\'ILLIA \\ T ART JONES 220 Blandina Sired {'fica, Sew J"or/..: A X ~; Concentrating in Chemistrs; Prepared a( Utica Free AcademJ·; German Club (4); President's Scholarship (1, 3). LA RENCE KA. E JORDA J. T 168 lf'e.rl O.r!rander ,J,•enue ~ X; Concentrating in Sociology; Prepared at Pennington Pre– paratory hool; Sociology Club (2, 3. 4); ophomore Vigilance Committee (2); Freshman Football; Varsity Football (2, 3). KE 0. RAWLS KE. ~EOY lfawodh, .Vew ./er.rt_v <1> B !..:; Concentrating in History; Prepared at Dumont High hool; Austen Colgate Scholarship (2, 3, 4); Dean's List (3, -t). 6 1
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