Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access

WILLIA 1 KElSTER KERR 15 Payru Sired llamillon , X t!w Yorl.. 13 ~ rl; <I>; cf> 8 I(;~ cf> A; Concentrating in French; Prepared at 1\\anliu School; .i\laroon Key Club; Konosioni; i\\anager, Var– sity Ba eball (3); Austen Colgate Scholar·ship (2, 3, 4); Dean's List (3, 4); Colgate Candidate for Rhodes cholarship (4); Fre hman Football; arsit.y Football (2, 3, 4). 619 lf'ul 1>6/h Sired LEROY \\ ILSON KILGORE .Yew York, 1\'ew York Concentmting in English LiterAture; Pr·epared at Alexander Hamilton High S hool; Colgate Deputation Team ( 1, 2, 3, 4); Student Pastor. Columhus Communitv Church (2, 3, 4); Presi– dent's holarship ( I, 2); Kingsfor·d Declamation Contest, First Prize (2); Class of l8 4 Public Speaking Contest, First Prize (3). 1 71 Bon ,Jir .~lr•er!ue \\'1 LUA.l\1 LA \\'SON KINSEY New Rochetle, .Nerv York K ~ P; Concentrating in Chemistry; Prepared at New Rochelle High chool; Handbook Board (l. 2, 3), Business ,\\anager (4); Maroon Business Board (2, 3); Freshman Footlnrll. ROB:J<:RT EDWARD KLEJ ' DI T T 101 B!!ard .~1r•enue Buffalo, Sew Yorl.. B 8 II; Concentrating in Geology; Pr·epar·ed at ,\\;mlius hool; Scalp and Blade; Freshman Hockey. 62