Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access

H-.JO 150 Place HARRY \\'I LLIA \I. KORNRU,\\PH Flt{.rhin.tJ, Lon.Q l.rland, .Vew York ..l )';Concentrating in English; Prepared al F'lushing Hil!:l1 chool; Freshmat~ Glee Club; Var ily Glee Club (2); Ski Club (2); Fresh– man Golf. ALA GARRETT KRAE,\lER 20-0.J 1/9/h Strut Collt,tlt Point, .Ytw York <I> ..l (-); Concentrating in lJistory and Politics; Prepared at Flushin~ High hool; Student 'enate (4); ,'\ \aroon Editorial Board (2); De:m's List (3); \\'asl1ington Study Group {3). 91 lf'ul !lumboldt Parl ..wav PIIILIP GEORGE KRAE"1ER 116 2nd ired Garden Ci(v Park, Long l.rland, .Ytw Yor/..: <I> ..l 8; Concentrating in Economics; Prepared at Flushing High hool; arsity ccer (2). \\' ILL!A,\\ KREI~ER, Ill Buffalo. Xew Yorl.: <(> ..l -); Concentrating in Geology; Prepared al BcnncU High hool; calp and Blade. 63