Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access

JAMES MONROE KRE 12 Franklin d"e11ue Cranford, .\'ew ./u,rt'.'l Concentrating in Geology; Prepared at Cranford High hool; ,1\\asque and Triangle (I); Sophomore Vigilance Committee; ki Club (3). ROBERT SJMMO~ S KUHN ,J/han.v• • Vew York ~ • ; Concentrating in Geology; Prepared at 1\lanlius chool. ROBERT \\'ADE LA DO.. "Himwood" •Yew llaPen, T'ermonl A X ; ~ .l ll'; Concentrating in History and eolog_v; Prepared at Mount Hermon chool; :ki Club (2); o\\ount Hermon Club; ecretar_y, ophomore Cia s; President's holarship (I, 2); George Cobb Prize (2); Freshman Track; Freshman Football; Varsity Track (2, 3, 4); Intramural Brond Jump Champion (!); Intramural Board Tracl< Championship Relay Team (2, 3). LLOYD ROBERT L \\'RENCE 6660 Rid_qe Bou/e,•ard Broo/.:(1111 . • \"1'11' 1'orl ..: (-)X; <I>; Concentrating_ in Fren h; Prepnred at l'\ew Utre ht Iligh , chool; ,\laroon Key Club; Konosioni; tudent's :\s ociation (3), President (4); tudent Acti"ities Coun il (4); tudent nion Coun il (3, -l) ; President, enior ennte (4); Concert and Lecture cries Council (3, 4); Austen Colgate cholarship (1, 2); Fresh– man Footbnll; Freshman Trnck; Varsit,· ;\\ile Rela,· (2, 3, 4); Intramural 100-yd. Champion; l nlram~ral :!20-_vd. · Champion. 64