Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access
RICHARD JOHANNIS MARTI , JR. 214 Sargeant Slreel I/o/yoke, .1/a.r.raclwul/.r ~ ; Concentrating in Economics; Prepared at Mount Hermon; Maroon Key Club; Kono ioni; Freshman Debating; ·~1anager Freshman Debating (2); Varsitv Debating (2, 3); Bu ines 'Viana– ger, Banter ( 4); M t. Hermon C1ub (1, 2, 3, 4); President's cholar- hip (I, 2); Winner, Fre hman 13iogra )hy peaking Conte t; Freshman Expo itor • peaking Conte t, cond Prize; Freshman Basketball; Var ity Soccer (2, 3, 4); Lacro e (3). FRAJ. CI CORWITH 1\\ RTLI . G 25 Dakota Place 1/emp.r/ead, .Yew York cJ> 1\ 'I'; Concentrating in Geology; Prepared at Friends cl1ool; Fre ·hman wimming; Freshman Basketball; Var ity Lacros e (3). 1'lAX \\'JL 0 " ,1\\A '0 , JR. Bala.•ia, .Yew York T n; Concentrating in E onomics; Prepared at Batavia High hool; Maroon Key Club ; Konosioni; 1\lanager, pring Track (3); Manager, Swimming (4); alp and Blade; Pan-Hellenic COuncil. FRA1 K BE JAML ,1\\A Rl 85 ,1/aple Strut Greenfield••1/a.r.rachu.rcll.r «P I' .l; Concentrating in Psvchology; Prepared at Deerfield Academy; Freshman Footbalf; Varsity Football (2); Var it,v Lacros e (2, 3, 4), Co-Captain (4). 70
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