Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access
ERSKINE BRONSON MAYO, JR. 5-/) Pro.rpecl Strut We.rtfield, New Jer.rey <I> KT; Concentratins in Sociologv; Prepared at Westfield High School; Symphony Orchestra ( l, ·2, 3, 4); Cosmopolitan Club (1, 2, 3); ,\1anager, Tennis (4). EDWARD MENASJAN 1109 ,1/ndi.ron Street Concentrating in En~lish; Prepared at Sy.-acuse Central Hi~h; Masque and Triangle (2, 3, 4); Che s Club (3, 4); Lasher Prize (2). FR EO HENRY \ERKEL 6 Femcii/!e Road Bloomfield. .\"en• .!cr,rep ~ 1'; Concentrating in Politics; Prepared Bloomfield High chool; Freeman H. Allen Society (4); Orchestra (l); Band (1); Fre hman Glee Club; Ski Club (I); Washington tudy Group (3); Presi– dent's Scholarship (I, 2); Dean's List (3); Kingsford Declama– tion Contest, Second Prize (I). KARL HAMPTON i'lEUCHE Dayton, Ohio <Il K T; Concentrating in Economics; Prepared at Oakwood High hool; Pre ident's cholarship (I); pring Intramural ,\\anager (4). 71
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