Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access
79 Glen Road GEORGE HAROLD I LER, JR. 6J.f.J Per.rlzing J"iloenue Sf. Loui.r, ,}/i.r.roun H (-) II; Concentrating in Geology; Prepared at John Burrou!'l'hs S hool; \laroon Key Club; Konosioni; tudent nate (4); ~\aroon Board (2, 3, 4); Colgate Christian ssociation (2, 3), Vice-Pr·esident (4); President's cholar·ship (1, 2, 3, 4); George Cobb Prize (4); Varsity Soccer (2, 3, -!); Varsity Basketball (2, 3); Varsity Baseball (2, 3, 4); Intr-amural Foul Shooting Cham– pion (3). HARRY HUDSO SKILL Jamaica Plain, .llaNacluul'll.r <f) I' .l; Concentrating in Psycholog,y; Prepared at Clark chool; Secretary and Treasurer, Pan-Hellenic Council (4). 65 John free/ BURLEY MITH Ilion, .Vew York· K .l P; Concentrating in Geology; Prepared at ]lion High chool; Lacr·osse (3); ki Club (3). RALPH CABELL S,\UTII 25 Claremont Sired .l 't'; Concentrating in Economics; Preeared at 1 ewlon High chool; Freshman Glee Club; Edito1·-in-Chief, Freshman Hand– boo!< (4); Manager, Freshman Basketball. 82
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