Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access
JOHN STANLEY SPRAGUE Ellen viii~. New York A 'I' 0; Concentrating in Geology; Prepared at Suffield Academy; Freshman Track; Varsity Track (2). 600 Pro.rped Sired CLARENCE HERRICK STACY .JJO Ford Street Ogd~n.rburg, Xew York <I>~ 8; I IT ll; Concentrating in English; Prepared at Ogclens– burg Free Academy; Assistant Junior Marshall (3); Band (1, 2, 3), Manager (4); Concert and Lecture Committee (2, 3, 4). KENDALL PECKHAM STEARNS 1026 Wui Seventh Street Plainfield, .Yew Jer.rey <I> ~ f.l; Concentrating in Psychology; Prepared at \\'ardlaw School; Dean's List (3, 4); Freshman Tennis; Freshman Golf; Assistant Manager, Hockey (2); Intramural Wrestling Champion– ship (1). HAROLD REID STERRETT, JR. New flavuz, Connecticut ~ ' ;Concentrating in Economics; Prepared at Manlius School; Maroon Key Club; tudent Senate (4); Varsity Cheerleader (3); Banter Editorial Board (2, 3); Manager, Varsity Soccer (4). 83
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