Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access
Ea.rl View Avenue GEORGE NESBIT URICE Plea.ranl11ille, '' ew Yorl.: X A; Concentrating in Sociology; Prepared at Pleasantville High chool; Sociology Club; Freshman wimming; Varsity Swimming (2, 3, 4), 1ntramural220-yd Champion (I); Intramural 100-yd. Champion (2). NORi\·lA lOORE VA COR 90 Sargent {reel llighlnnd,r, .1/a.r.rachu.rt!ll.r Concentrating in Geology; Prepared at i\olount Hermon School; .t\1ount Hermon Club; President's Scholarship (1, 2); Freshman Football. BERRISFORD HARLA:\' WALKER 91 llunlin.rlltJn / ll'etllle Bu.flalo, Sew Yorl.: ~ 1\ !<;; l\1 1.1 ~; Concentrating in llistor·y; Prepared at Bennett High chool; Fr·eeman ]]. Allen ciety (3, 4); calp and Blade; Freshman ''Y"; Freshman Glee Club; Var ity Glee Club (2, 3), Student Director (4); Varsity Quartette (1, 2, 3, 4); Colgate Christian A sociation (2. 3), Treasurer (4); Songleader (4); "\\'ho's Who Among iudenL in . merican Universities and Colleges"; President's cholarship (1, 2). RICHARD GLENN \\'ASIIBUR. Bouc/..-ville, .Ve1 • York ~ K Ji;; Concentrating in J\lathemaiics; Prepared at Hamilton High hool; Konosioni; Mathematic Club (2, 3, 4); "Who's Who Among tudents in American Universities and Colleges"; Freshman Baseball; Freshman Basketball; Varsit · Basketball (2, 3, 4); Varsity Baseball (2, 3), Captain (4). 87
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