4 Student Council officers stand on the front steps of, LRII and wave a warm goodbye to former graduates and at the same time wa\'e a cheerful hello to the new arrivals who will one day pass down thes same steps for th ir last tim . The officers for the 1962-'63 school term were from left to right: Lan trother, arah Adams, Bill Vow II, Ronnie Lel\lay. Arthur Hornick, and arah Rhodes. ~- . . .... ~ ... --- - - - Vho Carol Wiggins, Linda Webb, and l\1arilyn \\alters stand in amazem nt and discuss new faces and a strange arrangement of classrooms on the opening day ofsehool. Ther is always work to be done in the journalism department and on the day that most students got out to go to the parade these first year students found out this day in class would not be a goof off day. Slaving away on exchange papers are: Thomas Pritchard, Danny Lee, Jim 0'Lee Pruitt, Sherry Polk, and David Bunch.