Burlingame High School 1991 Yearbook (Burlingame, CA) - Guest Access

notjust ... Opening ..................................... . 1 Seniors ....................................... 16 Faculty ...................................... 68 Student Ufe .................................. 76 Spirit ..................................... . 116 Juniors ..................................... 124 Sophomores ................................. 134 Freshmen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 Sports ..................................... 154 Mini Mag .................................. 192A Closing . ................................... . 193 Acknowledgements ............................ 198 Adverl~ements .............................. . 199 Index ......................................209 ... just classic Burlingame High School Burlingame, California 1..'::=:::== 1

A CLASSIC SClfOOL -- = - Top left Brian Nannini and Peter Papakostas occupy the senior bench. Top right Where are Greg and Claudia? Right Did we interrupt your discussion? Above: "Hey Lindsay, check this out," says Nicole! Middle left John Hoffman and Amber Harvin argue over a note! 2 I OoeninR

September 5, 1990 started the first day of the new school year at Burlingame High School. Summer had passed and the students were looking forward to another year of new challenges, good times, and friends. With a campus as beautiful and refreshing as Burlingame's, it's no wonder that everybody finds their special place to hang out, whether it be in the front of the school, the hallways, or in the courtyard. Burlingame's balance of work and play truly make our high school ... Not Old, Not New, Just CLASSIC! Top left Gina Bowers and Sheeva Apour lookin' out for Greg Osborn and Claudia Dolin! Top right Just having fun at brunch! Above: Seniors take time out for a quick shot. Left Katrina, Gerry and Jonathan fool around at lunch. OoeninK I 3

As you know, Burlingame High School is a school full of traditions. One, which we've all come to know and love is the policy of a closed campus. Though WE know it as a tradition, closed campus was started fairly recently - only nine years ago! The return of the P.E. uniforms this year marked the revival of an old tradition here at Burlingame. The Little Big Game, probably our oldest, and most dear tradition, started in 1927. All of these things and more help to make Burlingame High School ... Not Old, Not New, Just CLASSIC! Top left: Practicing for half-time, April? Top right: Alex Schekhtman stocks the cafeteria with a ready supply of milk. Right: Mark Avanessian always ready with a smile. Above: Joan and Cris enjoy lunch under the trees. 4 I Ovening l I

fTIONS Top left Michelle and Tracy gettin' rowdy on senior group shot day! Top right Brian Schaffer finds a relaxing place to do his homework. Middle right: Sean Florio hands off to John Heimuli. Above: Classic friends. Left Show us some more of those great tennis moves! nneninR I 5

NOT JUST.lfALWWBBN Top left Students anxiously await to hear the winners of the Halloween contest. Top right Chico as a drunken bumll Right Elisa Suetake, Mr. Howard Freiberg, and Jenny Gargliano push the Renaissance theme. Above: Look at King of Norway and his zombie subject! Middle left Brooke Benjamin and Mabel Negrete pose as a jester and a criminal!

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