Burlingame High School 2009 Yearbook (Burlingame, CA) - Guest Access

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1: hcshmcn Paige icolopulos and \mber Guillory cheer for the gallant Panther . 2: cmor a cy ~loore proudly holds up the Paw after Burlingame's \"ictory against an \latco. 3: The cheerleader · -mile during their half time performance during the Little Big Game. 4: ophomorc hristian Thorenfeldt plays along with the band at the BH Play-a...:Thon. 5: enior uzan Ia\" ky hugs ascy Wo d after the Ltttle Big Game. 6: cmors Liz Hinckley and Elizabeth Tsachre - celebrate the senior \"ictory in the Ia ' Banner ompctition at the Little Big Game Rally. 7: Junior ianna Davino c.·citedly lead · her team onto the field at the Powder Puff Game.

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1: cmor~ Hector \lelbourne, Lukas \alentino, \lax Keleher, \ltkie Little, and Peter Pappageorge cheer for their cia sat the beginning of the Little Big Game Rall). 2: ophomore Kat) a Gnshma hO\\ ' her panther pride on ltimate Red and White Day. 3: onn r I<ield, Dalllclle Dittman, Kathryn Hittleman, ammy Hundley, and Kwe i Bailey make the ophomore class proud wtth thetr performance durin the las. Dance ompetition. 4: The \'arsit)· Football team faces off an :\lateo dunng the Little Big Game. 5: The junior and senior "rl fight to the end to win the pink paw at the Powder Puff Game. 6: John Brunt and Ally Breslin how off their move: during the Little Bi (Jamc Rally. 7: enior John ::\lasline congratulate Junior am Lyon · for hi · pectacular interception again t an \lateo.

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