East High School 1960 Yearbook (Denver, CO) - Full Access

Earl Arterburn Martin Asbury Chns Babbs ' ·; John Barnacle Dick Carter Russ Casement 108 Rugged play characterizes East football games. M ike Bennett Jim Borney Tom Blemler John Brinkman Football Tearn Finishes Undefeated in League East's 1959 varsity football squad turned in a fine record. After winning eight league games, East took the city championship. How– ever, early mistakes in the state semi-final play-off proved costly in their quest for the state championship. Greeley defeated the Angels, 27 to 13. Exhibiting a well-balanced team, the "Big Red" easily overpowered all their city oppo– nents until the second South game, which could have cost the team a chance at the state cham– pionship. The South Rebs outrushed and out- passed East, and the Angels were forced to punt five times; but hard tackling by East's strong forward wall finally crushed South. Out– weighed by 30 pounds a man on the line, the South team stayed in the game until the final gun. After the South game, the Angels over– powered Manual 39 to 7, and West 45 to 0. These one-sided victories were achieved with– out the aid of either Chris Babbs or Bob How– sam, two of East's fine backfield stars.