East High School 1960 Yearbook (Denver, CO) - Full Access

NINE POINT CIRCLE Gordon, Phil President Wogschol, Peter Vice President Sherman, Sheila Secretory Anson, Ronald Treasurer Smith, Mr Gerold Sponsor Beckwith, Brion Bloom, Marshall Burkhart, Bill Connole, Tom Dickson, Mary Doman, AI Ginsburg, Jerry Hall, Potty Heinze, Joxcene Jovanovich, Andy Kaminsky, Margie Levin, Mike Litty, Sharon Mackenzie, Tom Milstein, Jim Mosko, Marty Needham, Terry Post, Ed Robinson, Dick Slevouris, Mike Stanley, Karin Stein, Sue Vince Wold, president of the Euclidian club, explains the logic machine to members at a Nine Point Circle meeting . Math Club Develops Appreciation of Math The Nine Point Circle club consists of math students interested in aspects of the subject not taught in the classroom. The club devotes itself to promoting inter– est in the field of mathematics, to furthering proficiency in it, and to learning recreational uses of math. In order to broaden and deepen their knowledge of math, members learn about the history and the science of numbers, gather information concerning career opportunities which require mathematical training and in– vestigate many other fields which are related. The club interests prospective members by looking into mathematics through special movies, investigations into unknown fields by individual students and by speakers of author– ity from industry and colleges, who speak on little-known aspects of the subject 143