East High School 1960 Yearbook (Denver, CO) - Full Access

Mrs. Adams, a representative from Powers Modeling School, gives tips on personal grooming to members of Model Teens. MODEL TEENS CLUB Schmidt, Joan President Riebeth, Cindy Vice President Stollos, Dionne Corresponding Secretory Hernandez, Dione Record 1ng Secretory Jocobitz, Moria Treasurer Schorling, Nancy Program Chairman Miss Springer Sponsor Anderson, Judy Avoy, Carol Benton, Leslie Boston, Mary Botterill, Julie Bowers, Nancy Brummer, Carol Bryon, Pot Collins, Susc:;,, Eimas, Jean Facer, Cindy Facer, Elaine Glauser, Sue Holker, Sandy Hammond, Marilyn Harding, Mordy Howard, Susan Hustead, Sollie Hutchison, Ruth Jacobs, Lee Kern, Lynda Langford, Sandy Lehr, Paulo Lewis, Andy McKinzie, Tommy Nelson, Sharon Newhogen, Janie Porker, Nancy Patton, Soroh Pilkington, Pam Pohl, Georgienne Pryor, Jane Roberts, Lila Seoy, Bev Shelton, Lauro Sigstod, Solly Smith, Carol Souter, Solly Staub, Koren Tobin, Jane Trumbull, Shorie Verlee, Donna Vines, Sandy Wellman, Dee Dee Williams, Elaine Wise, Lenore Wood, Glen 145