East High School 1960 Yearbook (Denver, CO) - Full Access

COUNTERPOINTS CLUB Tuttle, Beverly President Hutchison, Ruth Voce Presodcnt Isbill, Luanne S«retory McNoul, Robert Treasurer Thompson, Jerry Program Choormon Mrs. Podboy Sponsor Adams, Carol Allen Beverly Axler, Gloria Balderrama, Margie Benton, Leslie Cleland, Ann Cooper, Pearl Erjckson, Margaret Haring, Kathy Hasson, Judy Head, Betty Hernandez, Dione Holman, Isabel Holman, Marilyn Horton, Ardie Keil, Susan McAuliffe, Mory McKinzie, Tommy Mcintire, Gail Metzger, Janie Moosdorf, Janet Moreno, Barbaro Myers, Elaine O'Doniels, Donel Osterling, Dody Potokotis, Vicky Post, Lourobeth Rudolph, Carol Sollman, Monico Schempp, Barbaro Storr, Carol Storr, Margaret Troubert, Luonno Wold, Judy Youngman, Emmy Lou Christmas Activities Held by Counterpoints Caroling on the mall at the Cherry Creek Shopping center during the Christmas season highlighted the activities of the Counterpoints club this year. Counterpoints members also filled Christmas stockings with candy and toys to give to underprivileged children. Counterpoints, which is sponsored by Mrs. Marion Padboy, strives to enable students in– terested in music to participate in interesting and informative musical activities. Counterpoints members sing Christmas carols on the moll at Cherry Creek Shopping center. 147