East High School 1960 Yearbook (Denver, CO) - Full Access

Bowling Club Organizes Christmas Tournament Under the sponsorship of Mr. Charles Croley, the members of the Girls' Bowling club bowled once each week at the Pork Hill Iones. This gave East girls the chance to bowl in on organized league and to participate in bowling tournaments The outstanding tournament of the year was the Christmas tournament. East captured the city title in this tournament and went on to toke port in the nationwide contest East also bowled in the Metro-Invitational tournament and took third place. During the year Girls' Bowling participated in two tournaments with South high and was defeated in one of these The event which climaxed the season was a luncheon held at the Tiffin Inn. At the lunch– eon trophies were presented to the girls with the high total scores in several classifications. Barbie Zeidman demonstrates her bowling skill to the other members of Girls Bowling club.