East High School 1960 Yearbook (Denver, CO) - Full Access

Outstanding Athletes Take Part in "D" Club "D" club, sponsored by Mr. Pot Panek and Mr. Bill Weimar, is composed of East lettermen who represent all the sports in which East par– ticipates. The purpose of the club is to pro– mote good sportsmanship. The members of the club meet throughout the year to take part in activities related to sports. The outstanding activity of "D" club dur– ing the past year was the Sports Banquet held early in the spring . Ben Martin, football cooch at the Air Force academy, was guest speaker at the banquet which honored the athletes and their parents. The members of "D" club also attended a D-C Truckers basketball game and sponsored a city-wide junior high track meet. Captains of the winter sports teams present their troph ies for outstanding achievement to Mr. Waldman.