East High School 1960 Yearbook (Denver, CO) - Full Access

At the Hi-Y open house members enjoy interviewing boys who ore interested in joining the club. Hi-Y Takes Orphans to East Football Game !58 The main service project completed by the East Hi-Y club was taking 30 Denver orphans to the East vs. North football game November 7. The members also participated in their annual Christmas tree sole and planned on assembly. Other activities of the year included a Red and White day float and numerous so– cial functions. The purpose of Hi-Y, which is affiliated with YMCA, is to create, maintain, and extend throughout the school and community, a great– er opportunity to become useful and construc– tive citizens. The Youth and Government Pre– Legislative conference, which is held during spring vocation on the University of Colorado campus, is attended by numerous Hi-Y and Tri-Hi-Y members from different ports of the state, giving the participants the opportunity to toke port in a model type of state legislature.