East High School 1960 Yearbook (Denver, CO) - Full Access
Drama Club Members Practice Dramatic Arts To give its members practical experience in interpreting and producing plays, to pro– mote an interest in dramatic activities of the school, to develop creative talents of the club members, to encourage reading and viewing better plays and to promote an enthusiasm for drama in all of its phases are the purposes of the East High Drama club. Under the sponsorship of Mr. Ralph John- Drama club members portray their acting abilities through the1r presentatiOn of the ploy "Blythe Spirit." son, the members presented various produc– tions for the student body and for their own benefit. In the fall the club presented the production "Blithe Spirit." Their main activi– ties during meetings were reading and per– forming skits. At the end of the school year, the club culminated its activities with their annual banquet. DRAMA CLUB Fishman, Paul Heller, Sheila President Hernandez, Dione Hernandez, Dione Hilb, Connie Vice President Hildebrand, Joan Case, Elaine Hoyt, Monty Thesp1on Secretory Hubble, Dotty Cobb, Jean Kuske, Paul Recording Secretory Lesser, Judy Fisk, Nancy Levy, J enene Corespond '"0 Secretory Levy, Norma Kuske, P·aul Longstreet, Nancy Jo Treasurer Mackey, Jean Whitford, Sue Madigan, Barbaro Historian Miller, Jeanne Achilles, Rolph Parkhurst, Janet Anderson, Stan Perlmutter, Natalie Barkley, Jim Pontow, Cheryl Beddoe, Judy Rawlinson, Jeanne Bond, Wayne Replogle, Jeanne Bowes, Barbee R1fkin, Peggy Broderick, Lorry Rodriquez, Junee Bush, Sue Rothenberg, Fred· Case, Elaine Schodde, Barbaro Cobb, Jean Schwartz, Janice Coppes, Bob Scudder, Dick Dean, Judy Shanahan, Bngi Dickson, Mary Smow, Jane Dikeou, John Swaim, Lindo Engle, Maurine Thruston, Steve Fishman, Paul Towbin, Koren Garbarino, Janet Vincent, Nancy Goldberg, Marge Weed, Mayme Gnffith, Lindsey Whitford, Sue Holladay, Marcia 161
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