East High School 1960 Yearbook (Denver, CO) - Full Access

Students of the Senior class goin membership in the '60 club by serving on o Senior prom committee. '60 Club Comprised of Seniors Serving East 168 The East high school '60 Club is an hon– orary organization comprised of members of the graduating class of 1960. The members are seniors who have been of some service to the school and the student body during their three years at East. A few of the services rendered•by eligible seniors are: serving in some type of student government, being active in one of East's many service clubs, participating in school athletics, serving as a member of the pep club or as a cheerleader, holding a position on one of the school publication staffs or assisting in com– mittee work for school functions. Student council members, Delegate assem– bly members, assistants in the office and the library, and students who have won honors and prizes for East high school are also included in the membership of this club. Although the '60 Club does not function as do other clubs at East, its members are al– ways present at meetings or projects that are for the purpose of serving East. The only purpose of this club is to give recogni'tion to those who have devoted time and talent to their school.