East High School 1960 Yearbook (Denver, CO) - Full Access

Miss Andrea Jelstrup Sponsor Mr. Roger Williams Sponsor Kobayashi, John Pres1dent The sophomore Student council meets with the president of the sophomore class, John Kobayashi, to discuss the plans for the sophomore party. The members of the Student counci I ore : Janet Naylor, Nancy Bromley, Eddy Howsom, and Bill Egan. Sophomores Participate In School Activities The sophomores, who entered East last fall, discovered that many new experiences were in store for them. The first thing that they did was to meet their teachers and class– mates. Soon after they entered East, they held their elections. Those elected were: President, John Kobayashi; Vice President, Dan Sherbok; Secretary, Penny Kromer; Treasurer, Arlene Friedman. Janet Naylor, Nancy Bramley, Eddy Howsam and Bill Egan were elected as Student council representatives. Later on in the year, with the assistance of their class sponsors, Miss Andrea Jelstrup and Mr Roger Williams, they held the Sopho– more party, "East Side of Heaven." The climax to their activities came on Red a nd White Day, when they presented a skit and built a float. Thus, the sophomore class of 1960 ended the activities of their school year. Sherbok, Don Vice President Kromer, Penny Secretory Friedman, Arlene Treasurer