East High School 1960 Yearbook (Denver, CO) - Full Access

Students Look Ahead To Future Uses of Math The Mathematics department at East strives to provide courses for students of all abilities and interests. Math teachers seek to arouse in each student awareness of the value of mathematics in life. In advanced classes concerned with the higher forms of mathematics, the basic rela– tionships of math to other sciences and branches of knowledge is stressed and devel– oped. Courses such as trigonometry, Geometry, algebra and Mathematics analysis provide training in reasoning and in perception of spa– tial and numerical relationships. In arithmetic and general and basic math– ematics classes students learn fundamental processes and skills which are essential to all people in modern society. Most students at East recognize the im– portance of mathematics and take the courses which best fit their own requirements. Trigonometry, taught by Mr. Wendell I. Wolf, is offered to the advanced Moth student ot East. Floyd L. Downs, Jr. Mathematics Bruce Ewer Driver Educat1on William H. Kruse Mathemat1cs Edward H. Morris Algebra Alex Peralta Algebra Chester H. Phelps Algebra Edwin Randall Mathematics Gerold Smith Mathematics Paul J. Vaughn Trigonometry Wendell I. Wolf Mathematics