East High School 1960 Yearbook (Denver, CO) - Full Access
CAMPBELL, DENNY CAMPBELL, HARRY CAMPBELL, JUDY R. BRYANT, NEVIN D club; lnternot1onol Relations club; 1ne Point Circle club; Swimming. BUCHANAN, WILSON '60 club. BULLOCK, MARLA Ail-c1ty Student Council; State D.A.R. Final– lSI; Delegate Assembly; '60 club; Head G1rl; Junior Escort; Junior Prom Queen Attend– ant; May Queen Attendant; Model Teens club; Princ1pol's Advisory Council; Seraph Sisters; Sr. Serv1ce Project; Student Council; Student Council Leadership Conference; Student Council Leadership Workshop; Tri– Hi·Y club; Ukelele club. BULMER, LYNN BUNN, ELIZABETH Skot1ng club BURNS, CAROLYN Keynoters club. BUSH, RICKY All-c1ty pep club, Delegate Assembly; '60 cub, nternotionol Relations club; Jr. Ach1evement; Jun1or ClassiCal League; Jun– ior Escort; Pre-med club; Skeost; Seraph S1sters; Seraph S1sters Welcom1ng Commit– tee; Sr. Serv1ce Project; Student Counc1l Leodersh1p Conference; Wh1te Jackets, off1cer BUTLER, BETH Delegate Assembly; '60 club; Sr. Service Project, Model Teens club; Tri-Hi-Y club. BUZZETTI, KAREN Delegate Assembly; Jr. Ach1evement; Model Teens club; Skeost; Skating club; Sr. Serv– ice Program. CADY, STEVE Angelus Stoff, Sports editor; Boys' Bowling club, '60 club, Sr. Serv1ce Project; Scholos– oic Art Award; Gold Key. CALDWELL, BOB CALDWELL, JOHN Basketball, Delegate Assembly; '60 Assem– bly, '60 club, Hi-Y club; Key club; Track. A c1ty bond All city pep club; All-state orche tro, Delegate Assembly; '60 club; Girls' Bowl1ng club; Pre·med club; Seraph S1sters; Seraph S1s•ers Welcoming Commit– tee Sw1mm1ng cub, Wh1te Jackets, off1cer. CAMPBELL, LINDA All schoo show· Delegate Assembly; Skeost. CARLILE, JANET Pre-med club, offiCer; Skeost; '60 club; Wh1te lockets CARLSON, JOANN CARNEY, JIM CARR, DAVID Angels of rhe Rood; 'D club; '60 club; Foot– boll, Spotlight Stoff, Art; Sr. Service Pro,ect. CARSON, JAN All c ty p club; Dele<;~ole Assembly; '60 lub eroph S1sters; Sr. Serv1ce ProJect; Wh1te ockets, off1cer. CASAD, LAWSON CASE, ELAI HE All c1ty cho~r; All-school show; All-state cho~r; Concert Cho~r; Counc1l Capers; Coun– terpoints, Dromo club, off1cer; '60 club; G1rls' Bowling c'ub CASEMENT, CHARLEEN All-c1ty choir All-school show; Concert Cho~r, off1c r, Delegate Assembly, off1ccr; '60 club, May Queen Attendant; Pr nc1pol's Adv1sory Counc1l; Sr... Serv!ce. Pro1 ct, Tn-
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