East High School 1960 Yearbook (Denver, CO) - Full Access
18 Elsie Anderson English Louie W. Attebery English Dudley Clinton Enos English Wayne Fox Speech Judy Frulond English Mary Gentile English Thelma Hill Eng lish Andrea Jelstrup English Rolph Johnson English L. William Koerber English English usoge is enlarged upon in Mr. Dudley C. Enos's English 6x class. English 6x is o course designed for advanced students. Accelerated Scholastic Program Continued Here Teaching students the grammar and usage of the English language and paving the way toward enjoyment of good literature are a few of the functions of the English faculty. Advanced, regular and modified courses are offered for the purpose of meeting all the needs and interests of students. In the advanced classes, the student re– ceives additional training and preparation for . skillful use and understanding of English . Ex– amples of these courses are English A classes. Still more advanced are English AS courses. Entry into these specially designed courses re– quires knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of English . Simplified versions of the "regular" Eng– lish courses are offered to those students who are less prepared and who do not intend to go as far in the study of English.
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