East High School 1960 Yearbook (Denver, CO) - Full Access

JUSTIS, RICHARD All c1ty chotr; All school show; All-state chotr, Baseball Manager; Concert Chotr; Counctl Capers; D club; Football Mana– ger, Basketball Manager. KAISER, TERESA Delegate Assembly; G•rls' Bowling club; Juntor Red Cross club; Skottng club. KALAN, DARKO '60 club; Skeost, Track. KALEY, MARTHA Angelus Staff, Assistant Productton Edttor; Camero club, officer; Delegate Assembly; '60 club, Sr. Service Project. KALUK, PATTY Delegate Assembly; Jr. Achievement; Model Teens club. KANARR, DICK Camero club; Photography club. KAN E, ROBERT KAN IUK, ERNA Filling out the Angelus activity list 1s one of the lost duties performed by th1s semor, Paul Melmed.