East High School 1960 Yearbook (Denver, CO) - Full Access

Due to split session, students come to school and leave at various times. MOitRIS, BETSY Angtius Staff, Index Edotor, Art Stoff, Socool Cho~rmon; Del ate Assembly; '60 club. MORRIS, LINDA All school show; '60 club; Junior Red Cross club; Sr Service Project. MORRISON, JIMMY MOUNT, SONJA MOUNTJOY, LOIS All· coty orchestra; All-school show; Bond; Delcgot Assembly; '60 club; Sr. Service ProJect MOUSE, CLA.UDIA All school show; Delegate Assembly; Model Teens club, Modern Donee club. MOZER, HARVEY Skeost, Scoencc club. MUELLER, MARY LEE MULFORD, DONNA Junior Escort: Pre-med club; Skeost; Se– r Jph So ters, Whole Jackets. MURPHY, MARCIA All-school show, '60 club; Junior Classical Lcog ; Sr. S<-rvoce Project; Tri ·Hi-Y club; Whrt Jackets. MURPHY, MARTIN MURPHY, TERRY D I II