East High School 1960 Yearbook (Denver, CO) - Full Access

The Seraph Sisters perform mony varied activit ies such os preparing the ballots for the Senior Girl Awa rds assembly. ROGERS, J EFF ROHR, BERNARD ROPER, JUNE ROSE, CAROLYN Delegate Assembly; '60 club; Girls' State; Junior Clossocol League; Junior Escort; Pre-med club, officer; Seraph Sisters; Seraph Sisters Welcoming Committee; Sym– posium club; White Jackets. ROSE, RONNIE ROSEN, TERRY All-school show; Angelus Staff, Format Editor; Delegate Assembly; Drama club; '60 club; Junior Red Cross club; Student council; Wolcott Sight Reading Contest. ROSENBERG, JOE ROSENBLATT, JOYCE ROUM.ANIS, TULA ROUNDS, JERALD l . ROUPP, LYNDA RUDD, DONNA Jr Achoevement; Model Teens club 241