East High School 1960 Yearbook (Denver, CO) - Full Access

26 Guidance and Opportunity Offered Through Business Business education is designed to prepare students for careers in business. When these students are ready to accept the responsibilities of a job, .they find their business training at East high school invaluable. Such courses as typing, business arithmetic, business law, sten– ography, and bookkeeping are valuable to students who plan a business major in college. Each year a senior who has excelled in business education is honored with the Louise Stellar. Steinburg award given to this outstand– ing senior by the business department. Some awards are also given to students who are particularly outstanding in spelling and typing . Students in advanced typing classes aid the school by doing jobs for the office, and some students are of help by operating the business machines in the programming office. Small symbols mean many things in the Stenography classes. Mr. Robert Oursler's Stenography II doss reviews some of these. Merlin M. Arbogast Bookkeeping Dorothea Browning Typing Jean Cook Stenography Charles F. Croley Program Supervision Ruth E. Eggleston Business Education K. Faye Gould General Business Robert W. Kennedy Oceupationol Adjustment Service Loretto M. Mi lfer Stenography Robert Oursler Stenography Norma Purvis Bookkeeping Edna A. Rhen Typing John W . Smyth Typing Crete L. Sproul Typing