East High School 1960 Yearbook (Denver, CO) - Full Access
With the hefp of Mr. Raymond Moley, Louis Martinez is completing his Crofts assignment. Useful Skills Developed In Industrial Arts The Industrial arts deportment of East high school is divided into four groups. These ore: metolcroft, woodwork, crofts and me– chanical drawing. Within these groups boys learn to use tools and to acquire manual skills that will be useful in later years. Projects ranging from small leather works to Iorge cabinets ore on display in the main hall periodically. Mechanical drawing may be selected by students who plan to be architects, engineers or contractors. This course stresses the im– portance of accuracy and neatness in the drawing of complicated ports and machinery. Merrill E. Adoms lndustrool Arts Arthur M. Brogg Stagecraft Don Forster Industrial Arts Roy Maley Industrial Arts Adolph H. Panek Industrial Arts Grant V . Wickard Woodworking 29
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